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Broken Fields - Art, what is it good for?

June 30, 2023
August 4, 2023

A social space guided by the question: ‘How can we co-create a space with the public in Clonmel?’

South Tipperary Arts Centre
10 - 5pm, Tuesday to Saturday
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Broken Fields - Art, what is it good for?

June 30, 2023
August 4, 2023

A social space guided by the question: ‘How can we co-create a space with the public in Clonmel?’

South Tipperary Arts Centre
10 - 5pm, Tuesday to Saturday
Online Event
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Broken Fields

Art, what is it good for?


In partnership with Clonmel Junction Arts Festival


Broken Fields presents Art, What is it good for? a social space guided by the question: ‘How can we co-create a space with the public in Clonmel?’ It is a work-in-progress for the duration of the festival, punctuated with encounters that stimulate discussion and support collective creative practice. Activities include collective canopy making, printmaking and conversations with a series of invited artists, printmakers, community workers, architects, writers, musicians, and activists.


Saturday, 1 July: 2-4pm

• Building Worlds with Words: Poster Making and Collective Canopy Making
with Broken Fields and Print Van Go. This is a drop-in workshop with a maximum capacity of 15.

Saturday, 8 July: 12-5pm

● 12-1pm: Building Worlds with Words: Poster Making and Collective Canopy Making
with Broken Fields and Print Van Go. This is a drop-in workshop with a maximum capacity of 15.

● 3.00-4.30pm: Round Table Discussion with Red Wheelbarrow Productions (RWP). RWP is a creative platform for examining questions of governance, power and social justice in the field of youth work and community development. In this Round Table discussion Red Wheelbarrow will focus on the deprivation index and how it is used as a measure of poverty. Artist Aoife Barrett of Print Van Go will print LIVE in response to the conversation, which will be accompanied by the presentation of a Red Wheelbarrow Productions poster series produced for the South Tipperary Arts Centre / Clonmel Junction Arts Festival.

● 4.30-5pm: Song into the Unknown: Independent song writers Padraig Stevens and Siobhán Kavanagh respond to Social Space through instruments and song.


Broken Fields is a multi-disciplinary collective made up of individual practitioners Louise Harrington, Enya Moore, Aideen O’ Donovan and Kate O’ Shea. Broken Fields brings together experience, knowledge, and practice from the fields of socially engaged art, architecture, community work, activism, research, and writing. The name Broken Fields refers to the breaking down of disciplines, siloes, and fields. In the breaking down of these constructed boundaries, Broken Fields brings together the strengths of diverse practices in processes, projects and spaces that are deeply place-based.

Other Biographies

Red Wheelbarrow Productions is a Dublin-based creative platform for examining questions of governance, power and social justice in the field of youth work and community development. It was co-founded in 2019 by Jim Lawlor, then Manager of the Rialto Youth Project and currently founder of Athrulann, John Bissett, community worker writer and activist, Tony MacCarthaigh, Management Committee Member of the Rialto Youth Project and Ciaran Smyth, Vagabond Reviews. Current members also include Dannielle Mc Kenna, Project Leader, Rialto Youth Project, Sinead Mc Mahon, Lecturer, Maynooth University and artist Kate O’ Shea

Print Van Go is a travelling print studio founded by Aoife Barrett, championing and sharing participatory printmaking experiences suitable for people of all ages. The purpose of Print VanGo is to make art and printmaking more public and accessible to a wider audience by bringing professional printmaking tools, equipment and facilities into the community. We use printmaking as a tool to facilitate learning and social engagement while co-creating work with communities and promoting contemporary fine-art printing.

Justseeds Artists' Cooperative is a decentralized network of 40 artists committed to social, environmental, and political engagement. With members working from the U.S., Canada, andMexico, Justseeds operates both as a unified collaboration of similarly minded printmakers and as a loose collection of creative individuals with unique viewpoints and working methods. We believe in the transformative power of personal expression in concert with collective action. To this end, we produce collective portfolios, contribute graphics to grassroots struggles for justice, work collaboratively both in- and outside the co-op, build large sculptural installations in galleries, and wheat paste on the streets—all while offering each other daily support as allies and friends.

Living Commons is a not-for-profit socially engaged arts organisation that was established in order to found and maintain co-operative, humane, democratic living, working and learning schemes for persons in precarious living situations through creative practices and community building. LIVING COMMONS currently has a space at 107 Shandon Street, Cork and is implemented through collectively-led, social ecological arts and cultural programmes that enable those in precarious living situations equal participation in social, cultural, economic and political life through the initiation of autonomously-run collective design programmes.

Siobhán Kavanagh has performed extensively as a vocal artist for over twenty years, exploring a range of vocal techniques and musical genres. Through experimental performance, Siobhán combines elements of performance art, costume and stage design. As a composer, Siobhán writes songs and experimental musical arrangements; working collaboratively with musicians and artists. She also works collaboratively with artists, composers, dancers, curators and circus practitioners and has been commissioned to compose songs, music and soundscapes for films, live art performance and music events. In 2021, Siobhán received the Agility Award from the Irish Arts Council to develop a new performance piece entitled Up Jumps Johnny, which premiered at Ó Riada Hall for the Cork Midsummer Festival in June 2022. She also facilitates singing circles, bringing people together regardless of their experience and abilities to share songs.

Padraig Stevens Originally from Sligo, Padraig started his first rock n' roll band The Problems in Tuam in 1966. He began writing songs in the mid 1970's specializing in catchy songs with a local flavour. He has released several albums of his own. If you want to know who Padraig Stevens is, just listen to his records. Filled with poetry, nature, traditionalism, honesty and colloquial humour, he finds beauty in the simplest things and magic in everyday living. Padraig was one of the founding members of The Saw Doctors and has co-written a lot of songs with the band. He has recently been co-writing new material with Sawdoc’s Leo and Davy in Tuam.  His songs have been recorded by The Saw Doctors, Eleanor Shanley, Matt Keane, Sean Tyrell, Citizen Keane, Christy Moore and Michael English, Padraig’s song The Tuam Beat has been chosen as ‘Hot Country Song of the Year’. Padraig has been performing live in concert, with Leo Moran from the Saw Doctors accompanying on guitar.

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