South Tipperary Arts Centre is delighted to partner with Healthy Ireland/Healthy Tipperary and Tipperary Arts Office to bring you a series of events celebrating the importance of Creativity to our wellbeing.
South Tipperary Arts Centre is delighted to partner with Healthy Ireland/Healthy Tipperary and Tipperary Arts Office to bring you a series of events celebrating the importance of Creativity to our wellbeing.
We are thrilled to bring you the complete line up for 'Connect, Create, Inspire' - our series celebrating the importance of creativity to our health and wellbeing, especially in these challenging times. Join us to connect (or reconnect!) with your creative self as we venture forward into Spring! Bookings are now open here:> All events are FREE but need to be booked to ensure a place. We have teamed up with some amazing artists and practitioners to bring you 4 weeks of online events to help you #keepwell - we hope you enjoy #ConnectCreateInspire is kindly supported by Healthy Tipperary Healthy Ireland and Tipperary Arts Office #southtipparts #mindingcreativeminds #tippcoco - Download the Programme