An installation of painting and sound by Sarah Long
An installation of painting and sound by Sarah Long
I will not flower presents an installation of painting and sound that reflects on the potential allegorical qualities of the fern plant. The fern’s ability to reproduce asexually and sexually through the production of spores, along side its primeval origins, has generated a rich mythology, in particular that of the imaginary ‘fern flower’.
This work is part of larger project Death & Dreams. Death & Dreams is a work of autofiction that encompasses painting, performance, sound, moving image and long form text. The work engages with the Mother Ireland figure and reflects on repressed feminine archetypes.
Sarah Long is a CorkCity-based artist. Her practice is concerned with the idea of the landscape asa receptacle of human ideas—a place where nature and allegory are intrinsically intertwined. She makes drawings, paintings, installations and moving image work that reflect on the present relationship with the Irish landscape. The landscape acts as a framework for her practice, allowing the work to reflect on suppressed feminine archetypes and the influence of Irish history and literature on both our cultural memory and our current collective perspective of space.